Friday, April 15, 2011


发贴者 junl33BEAR 's diAry^^ 时间: 8:24 AM

不舍得 Not willing to
就是不舍得的感觉 this feeling is strongly not willing to
有种说不出的感觉 dont know how to describe my current feeling

T___T (saddddd)

时间真的过的非常非常快 time pass really fast fast fast 
今天是我在大学的最后一年了 this year is my final year in my college life
距离毕业还有6-7个月罢了 6-7 months more will be graduated
:(((( (sadddd)

我要享受我的大学生活拉  I want to enjoy my college life so much la
我在最后一年真的有特别的感觉 in this final year i really have the special feeling laa
就是希望每天都可以去上课 hopes to go to class everyday
和我可爱的朋友们一起 together with my adorable friendsss
一起吵 noisy together
一起开心  happy together
一起癫 crazy together
一起 一起 一起 一起 together together together together
一起有共同美好的回忆 have the same good superior memories between all of us

就算再怎么没有钱   怎么省 although bankrupt,.. although want to save money
想要去哪里 when we want to go somewhere
我们都是会一起去的 we for sure will go together

也许有些人会认为我们很吵 很闹 maybe other people think us that we are very noisy crazy
但是 but but but but but
也许他们嫉妒 maybe they are jealous
因为没有这样一班那么好的朋友们 because didnt have such a good good friendsss
我们在一起的时间都蛮长下的 the time we spend together is very long


这就是我们拉 This is Bangang laaaa
我可爱的朋友们拉 My adorable friendsss

 Ellyana Nurhazreen binti Izam Shah
Arvilla Damasyani
Luisa Lee Yee Chin
Vivian Tan Tse Wei
Lee Jun Li

我们有很多很好笑的回忆 between us, we have a lot of funny things, good memories
别名 funny other's name

Nurha Nurha Nurha, OKU, Ell, Elly.....
Damaq, Viya, Arvilla, OKU (eyes, kerongkong, ...)
isa, luuu, luuu..ah, lua...
vivian, vian vian, van van, tse wei...
Jun, Jun Li, water lily....

每当想起我们在一起的时候 when i was thinking the time we spent together
自己有突然笑了起来 i'll smile and laugh
觉得真的很可爱 feel like really cute cute cute cute
真的 really

之所以 Thats why
我希望这最后一年里 i wishes that this final year
我们可以拍很多很多的照片 we can have a lot of memories by capturing photo everywhere, anytime
因为 because
照片将会是我们回忆里的见证 photo will be our memories' witness 
以后以后 in the other daysss (in the future)
可以拿出来看看 we can take it and enjoy it
真的会很怀念的咯。。。。。in the time, we for sure will miss the moment so much

常听到他人说: Last time many people said that 
大学将会是享受的,也是最美好的回忆的 college will be the most enjoyable, and superior memories

现在我明白了 finally, im understand 

最可爱的就是我们拉~~~ 哈哈哈 BANGANG !!! we're Bangang
The most adorable is Bangang Bangang Bangang !!!!


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不舍得 Not willing to
就是不舍得的感觉 this feeling is strongly not willing to
有种说不出的感觉 dont know how to describe my current feeling

T___T (saddddd)

时间真的过的非常非常快 time pass really fast fast fast 
今天是我在大学的最后一年了 this year is my final year in my college life
距离毕业还有6-7个月罢了 6-7 months more will be graduated
:(((( (sadddd)

我要享受我的大学生活拉  I want to enjoy my college life so much la
我在最后一年真的有特别的感觉 in this final year i really have the special feeling laa
就是希望每天都可以去上课 hopes to go to class everyday
和我可爱的朋友们一起 together with my adorable friendsss
一起吵 noisy together
一起开心  happy together
一起癫 crazy together
一起 一起 一起 一起 together together together together
一起有共同美好的回忆 have the same good superior memories between all of us

就算再怎么没有钱   怎么省 although bankrupt,.. although want to save money
想要去哪里 when we want to go somewhere
我们都是会一起去的 we for sure will go together

也许有些人会认为我们很吵 很闹 maybe other people think us that we are very noisy crazy
但是 but but but but but
也许他们嫉妒 maybe they are jealous
因为没有这样一班那么好的朋友们 because didnt have such a good good friendsss
我们在一起的时间都蛮长下的 the time we spend together is very long


这就是我们拉 This is Bangang laaaa
我可爱的朋友们拉 My adorable friendsss

 Ellyana Nurhazreen binti Izam Shah
Arvilla Damasyani
Luisa Lee Yee Chin
Vivian Tan Tse Wei
Lee Jun Li

我们有很多很好笑的回忆 between us, we have a lot of funny things, good memories
别名 funny other's name

Nurha Nurha Nurha, OKU, Ell, Elly.....
Damaq, Viya, Arvilla, OKU (eyes, kerongkong, ...)
isa, luuu, luuu..ah, lua...
vivian, vian vian, van van, tse wei...
Jun, Jun Li, water lily....

每当想起我们在一起的时候 when i was thinking the time we spent together
自己有突然笑了起来 i'll smile and laugh
觉得真的很可爱 feel like really cute cute cute cute
真的 really

之所以 Thats why
我希望这最后一年里 i wishes that this final year
我们可以拍很多很多的照片 we can have a lot of memories by capturing photo everywhere, anytime
因为 because
照片将会是我们回忆里的见证 photo will be our memories' witness 
以后以后 in the other daysss (in the future)
可以拿出来看看 we can take it and enjoy it
真的会很怀念的咯。。。。。in the time, we for sure will miss the moment so much

常听到他人说: Last time many people said that 
大学将会是享受的,也是最美好的回忆的 college will be the most enjoyable, and superior memories

现在我明白了 finally, im understand 

最可爱的就是我们拉~~~ 哈哈哈 BANGANG !!! we're Bangang
The most adorable is Bangang Bangang Bangang !!!!


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